Shona Blosser
Masco girls' soccer on senior night
The girls’ soccer team has crushed competition this year due to teamwork on and off the field. Players are more unified than ever and ready to continue their winning streak.
As the girls are on the precipice of the Division 2 State Playoffs, they hope to continue crushing teams as they have been doing in the regular season. The girls have only gotten closer and stronger since the start of the season and have managed to go through the regular season without any losses.
“We have really developed as a team from the beginning of the season to now. We lost a lot of seniors from last year and started with a whole new team this year. Everyone has stepped up their communication on and off the field which has allowed us to have the success that we have had,” said senior captain Riley Bovardi. “Three of our starting defenders are seniors, so we have been playing together for a few years now. The back line can see the whole field so we always make sure that we are trying to be the loudest people on the field and helping out other players in front of us.”
Bovardi is one of the defenders for the team and maintains a strong and well-connected defense through her communication.
One of the team’s strongest attributes that contribute to their success is the communication they have together. This is able to help them because it allows every player on the team to understand one another and work together in a positive manner to achieve their objectives on the field.
“I would say communication is vital to our performance whether it is on or off the field. As the season has gone on, our communication and our connection as a team has gotten stronger and stronger,” said senior captain Teegan Skulley. “We communicate on the field with saying things like ‘man on’ or ‘space’ but also words of encouragement are always present. Our communication as a team has been a huge part in our success and it is going to keep us together as a team.”
Positive encouragement allows the girls to be connected as a team, rather than as individuals. When the players are able to uplift one another with positive feedback, it gives a sense of unity within the team allowing every player to build stronger relationships.
One of the main reasons the girls are able to separate themselves from any other team is a sense of teamwork off the field which is often overlooked in most teams.
“My experience coaching youth soccer in high school is what prompted me to get our girls’ program involved in helping with town soccer in Boxford, Middleton, and Topsfield. Our girls from all three teams volunteer with the U4 and U8 sessions throughout the season.” said head coach Alison Lecesse.
By helping out the community, the girls are able to build a stronger bond with each other, and also develop leadership skills. This involvement enhances their teamwork on the field while creating connections and positive experiences that extend beyond soccer.
Masconomet Girls Soccer are looking better than ever this year and eager to take down new competitions as they enter the playoffs. With their strong teamwork and communication skills, this team is ready to face any challenges ahead. The combination of experienced players, who have been on this team in previous years, and new players, ensure that this team only continues to grow and improve.