WBMT, Masco’s own radio station, is exploding in popularity this year. With roughly thirty students joining the club this year, it is seeing success they haven’t seen since before COVID-19.
“We’ve been trying to rebuild the club after we lost a lot of members during COVID,” said WBMT advisor Matthew Chadwick. “Interest kind of waned. So it’s cool to see that WBMT is on the rise again in terms of the amount of interest.”
Not only are their numbers increasing, but their equipment is improving. This year they were able to score a new computer which will take the program to another level.
“We also have just recently switched over to a new program,” said music coordinator Anjo Kordis. “We switched from TuneTracker and our ancient computer that was about to kick the bucket, to a new program called Radio Jar which allows us to now stream.”
While the original broadcast method is still used, internet streaming will expand its reach far beyond the confines of the TriTown.
“Traditional radio is great, and we continue to broadcast over 88.3 FM like we always have, but our transmission radius doesn’t cover the whole Tri-Town,” said Chadwick. “Plus, the reality is that many people today don’t own a radio. With internet streaming, it’s now possible to listen from your phone or other devices.”
While the internet is a new factor for the station, rest assured that listeners can still tune into 88.3 FM on the old–

fashioned radio. Student broadcasts occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3-5 pm, and on Wednesdays from 1-5 pm.
The club has many things planned for the year. Another Battle of the Bands is in the works with even more fun planned.
“We’re looking to kind of institutionalize [Battle of the Bands],” said Chadwick, “and one thing we also discussed as a potential idea for this year was, in addition to doing a battle advance, having a spring/end of your concert as well, where maybe the winner of the battle of the bands or the top few bands would play a show in the auditorium.”
In addition to live events, WBMT is also trying other things to expand their horizons past broadcasting music. This will be much easier with the new technology.
“We’re looking to reach out to sports broadcasting and maybe working with the Morning Update as well,” said senior station manager Maya Schildkraut.
Their new website also helps to expand their reach. It also contains forms for requests to hear specific songs,to be a guest on the radio, or to become a member of the station.