Model UN’s first conference of this year at Saint John’s Prep saw four Masco students win awards at the event’s conclusion.
All participating members were very busy, with most of the day spent applying skills learned in earlier club meetings to negotiate international issues in the style of the real life United Nations.
The schedule consisted of an opening ceremony, followed by 10 separate committees with unique agendas and debate topics. Delegates were tasked with finding a popular resolution to their committee’s issue, and the chairs at the head of the debate watched for delegates who stood out above the rest.
Four members from each committee are selected to win awards, and among those awards are best orator, best negotiator, best representation, and best delegate.
The best negotiator is a title held by delegates who rose above all others in a committee in their ability to discuss solutions and propose compromises and amendments to resolutions that make every delegate satisfied.
This specific award is significant because 3 Masco students received this certificate at the closing, those students being juniors Thomas Buckley, Landen Boutilier, and sophomore Dylan Guido.
For some like Buckley, this award was a major achievement and milestone in their Model UN career, as this was his first conference.
Buckley was the one to draft and revise the resolution paper in the General Assembly committee that ultimately passed.
“My favorite part of the committee was the opportunity to meet new people and experience new ideas,” he said.
The best negotiator wasn’t the only award won by Masco students, as Ogden won a best delegate award from the SPECPOL II committee, an impressive achievement for both herself and the school.
“I think what led to me being successful in my committee was being one of the first people to talk and have my voice heard,” said Ogden. “Preparing what I was going to say before I got to the podium, as well as including significant and memorable quotes, is really what I feel made me memorable to both my chairs, and other delegates.”
Ogden also learned important life lessons while at the conference.
“Additionally, being able and willing to compromise is key to success, because realistically, you can’t achieve everything you set out. Most importantly, having a good time and learning is the most important part,” said Ogden. “If you make it clear that you’re not there to win, but to have fun, and make change, people are so much more likely to want to work with you.”
Advisor Laura Greeley and Model UN leadership popped into different rooms to offer support, take pictures and see some of the committees in action.
“For the veterans on the team, it was great to see them pushing out of their comfort zones and showing off their leadership skills in committee. For the less experienced delegates, it was a perfect opportunity to get their feet wet and put the MUN skills we’ve been practicing to use,” said Greeley.
With this first conference out of the way, and 4 awards under their belt, the Masco Model UN team eagerly awaits the next event, which will be LexMUN at Lexington High School in late January.